HOA, Commercial, Residential, Call us when you need a car | truck RemovedNow, Ogden Towing has an angry husband calling because someone parked in his wife’s reserved parking spot. Ogden towing to the rescue, to help this family! However, now we are still the bad guy because the college kid who had his car impounded, feels like it was only a parking spot and we took his car.
We feel for both sides, which is why at Ogden Towing we strive to have the most professional private property towing in town. Ultimately we believe the only way to remain ethical and in the end make both sides happy is to be fair, firm, and ethical. We strive to follow the rules, be understanding, and when we do need to remove someone’s vehicle we provide crystal clear evidence of both the violations and what the customer can do to quickly get their vehicle back with minimum frustration or hassle. Abandoned vehicles, illegally parked vehicles, handi-cap violators, fire lane violators, we strive to help property owners enforce the rules and regulations while being fair and compassionate towards the people we deal with. In the end we take pride on how many people thank us, shake our hand, and recommend us AFTER we impounded their vehicle. When you treat someone with respect, your fair, and considerate it creates understanding and through understanding we maintain our customers. In the end call Ogden Towing at 801-396-9519 for all of your professional towing needs up to and including private property impound / towing. Private Property towing is a hot topic especially in the city of Ogden. Recently the city council even addressed the subject creating new rules and regulations Ogden Tow Companies are required to follow.
Let’s face it, most people have been towed before and it upsets them greatly. They hate the tow company, want them fined, want them arrested, want them put out of business. However, let’s talk about the other side. Imagine it’s late at night and you have a reserved parking space and you park across the parking lot so your pregnant wife when she gets off work in the rain storm can utilize the reserved parking space you pay for. Your pregnant wife gets home, only to find the college kid attending the college party in a neighboring apartment parked in your wife’s reserved parking spot you pay for. |