Auto Repair Service That Will Last Your Car’s Lifetime Motor vehicles can be a hassle to maintain, and with the costs of fuel, insurance, regularly scheduled maintenance fees and other operating costs, one can only fathom how much money you will spend on your vehicle each year. Reports say that maintenance can cost you an extra $1-4,000 every year on top of the car’s initial cost with taxes and interest. AAA has found that drivers spend almost $9,000 a year in additional costs of maintaining the vehicle. Even though the falling gas prices and lower interest rates on financed vehicles have cut the cost to operate by 2%, this added yearly bill explains why many people just purchase a new car—considering that the cost of maintenance equals the down payment, and in some cases, the cost of another vehicle. However, the depreciation rate and costs associated are SUPER high within the first five years of owning a vehicle. If you plan on keeping your car for 8-10 years, you will be saving money up front because the relisting price will be exceedingly lower.
Regardless of how long you intend to keep your car, what matters most is finding the right local auto repair shop to increase the shelf-life of your vehicle. You’ve heard the horror stories. You’ve read up on the reviews of those mechanics that inflict damage to your car just to get you back in their shop, spending more money. We don’t do that! We will not only repair your vehicle here at Ogden Tow, but we will also repair your trust in the automotive repair industry. Because we tow vehicles to and from our facilities, we have serviced a wide selection of vehicles over a multitude of mechanical niches. We can get you going again with: